Messaging Platform

From established, long-standing companies to fresh start-ups, it is vital to have a clearly defined messaging platform.  These messages not only provide a launching point for a successful marketing campaign but also result in a consistent story and strong brand. Our team will work alongside you to reveal and define the unique aspects of your company that shape these messages.

Messaging Platform by Upbeat Marketing Includes:

  • Mission/Vision (company purpose shaped by passion and commitments)
  • Tagline (8 words or less that communicate your company value and uniqueness)
  • Positioning Statement (how you want customers to view your brand in the market)
  • Primary & Secondary Messages (the most important messages/claims to share with your audience)
  • Proof Points (the supporting “facts” that back up your primary messages/claims)
  • Elevator Pitch (an informal way of describing your business to a potential customer)
  • Boiler Plate (a succinct and hard-hitting way to summarize your business)

When you work with Upbeat Marketing you will experience consistency and excellence from start to finish. Contact us at 512.222.7141 or to get started today!